i got cheated, 2 times in a row in 2 consecutive days
my body clock and mum's bday cake got totally screwed up at the end of day
i don't like this feeling at all
i am damn pissed and damn sad now... :(
i got cheated, 2 times in a row in 2 consecutive days
world cup - the once in 4 years soccer tournament that never fails to get my body clock all screwed up. this year, it's of no exception and matters are complicated by the fact that i have no cable tv. so what do i do to curb this prob? hmm.. creative tak went to coffeshop, inhaled much cigarette smoke n drank couintless cups of coffee to sustain his stay. he went to huren's house for the 1st few days and disturbed his family. he stayed on in queensway macs with zhongyang and mark sim and again, inhaled much cigarette smoke (y the hell do pple love smoking so much??? pui!!!). finally, he found the 'da vinci code' of watching world cup live by downloading an online tv programme that he can watch all matches for free!! whee... isn't that great?
what have i been doing for the 1st week of holidays?? basically nothing except but play play and more play. went to sentosa on wednesday, got myself fried pretty badly on the only day of the week with scorching sun and ended up my with skin peeling now. been trying to camp out at home too, trying to finish my james patterson series of book but only got to finish 1 book so far - honeymoon. and for the highlight of the week, it has to go to the Aviva Singapore Badminton Open Championships. i was there on friday for the quarters and sunday for the finals. my my my. i simply love the superb atmosphere (though i went ALONE!! *sadness*) and the high level of playing skills. and of course, the thrill of seeing my favourite players in person! whee! peter gade, ronald susilo, mohd hashim, jonas rasmussen, peter steffensen and many more. amongst them, my fav is the indonesian doubles pairing of budiarto sigit and limpele flandy. they only partnered twice in their life and consist of 1/2 my all time fav pair of budiarto sigit (the master of wrist tricks!)and chandra wijaya (the smasher!). yup, flandy replaced chandra after the latter retired from injury?? hm...no idea... anyway, the new sytem of 3 sets of 21 points is more exciting because each bloody point counts, even service mistakes, and forces the players to concentrate and attack more. bleah, but i dun like the system too because it favours the faster and bigger europeans and force my fav lazy-styled indonesian players out. still, it's an exciting event to be at and i'm glad i was part of it all.